Tuesday, January 2, 2007

all things new

this is gonna be the hub for what i want to do.

this is my first step into the direction of real blogging. can you taste the excitement in the air. it's palpable, like mango tangerine.

i chose nuevos rancheros despite the fact that i'm not a farmer, or a ranchero, because i thought it was clever. and since i operate on a level somewhat akin to a 486: simple, but so simple no one dares go there, i whipped up Nuevos Rancherosis. the state of being a new farmer. spanish.

so, i'm not sure what all's gonna go down here, but you can probably count on the fact that it will be "phat," and quite possibly, "funky fresh."

enjoy. or don't. your big kids. you can do what you want... except that.


Gabe Thexton said...


RSSed and waiting...

Todd Newton said...

I have also RSS'd.

You probably want to enable that comment secret code thing.

stephen said...

you're the strangest Mexican farmer i know.

and since RSSes seem be be the thing to do-i'm hopping on that bandwagon.